Naturopathic Nutritionist

specialising in fertility, gut health, anxiety and depression

Tea believes that awareness, self-knowledge and daily work on our part all must take place in order to to prevent disease and reclaim the balance that leads to health.

Tea Novo is a naturopathic nutritionist with a busy practice on London's Harley Street. Tea also works for the Arrigo Programme, Amy's House (Amy Winehouse Foundation), as well as running a low-cost clinic in East London, where she lives.

In addition, Tea teaches nutrition and runs workshops with a focus on Gut Health, Fertility, Hormonal Health and Anxiety/Depression disorders. In 2020, Tea started a supplement range called Curaetd (

Tea is RSF Therapy’s Lead Holistic Practitioner, offering an evidence-based therapy to support patient’s psychodynamic therapy, with a specialist interest in fertility. Numerous studies and our own clinical experience show us the importance of nutrition in improving fertility, preventing miscarriages, and supporting a healthy pregnancy. RSF Therapy’s treatment plan will include a consultation with Tea, offering a nutritional plan to boost your fertility or prepare you for pregnancy.

The Nutrition plan focuses on specific nutrient dense foods needed for the correct working of your reproductive system, hormonal balance, sperm health and provide all the necessary building blocks for a healthy pregnancy. Tea will also offer supplement recommendations to address any deficiencies that can affect the health of your reproductive system. A comprehensive assessment of sex and adrenal hormones and their metabolites is also offered in addition to the full nutritional programme.



    • Fertility Nutritional Support

    • Reproductive Support

    • Sperm Health