Psychodynamic Psychotherapist


Group and Individual Psychotherapist, BA (Hons), UKCP

Sarah works with a wide range of psychological distress. She believes that the root of most of our unhappiness is to be found in what we don’t yet consciously accept about our experiences and therefore our sense of ourselves.

Sarah is a UKCP registered psychodynamic psychotherapist

  • Sarah offers open-ended and time-limited psychotherapy to adults and young people who would like deep psychological support.

  • Sarah works with the many ways in which we lose sight of our sense of ourselves and stop knowing what we want as an authentic life. She helps people work through all sorts of losses; and she supports people to make significant and lasting life-changes.

  • Sarah is a parent who understands the impact on our personal well-being of issues that create intense and long-lasting stress in families. This includes difficulties with children, siblings and partners. Sarah works sensitively with these confusing and painful relationship issues, keeping your well-being and needs at the centre of the therapy relationship

  • Sarah is a creative person who enjoys writing, and you can read her articles in our Blog B’Psyched and on other platforms such as Medium and the Counselling Directory.

    Sarah is a Group Psychotherapist and a Business Team Coach

  • Sarah has conducted small therapy groups for the NHS, large charities and private practice in Central London for over 10 years.

  • Sarah has had a career in senior management and can therefore help people to navigate the complexities of work. She offers individual psych-coaching and facilitates Reflective Practice Groups.

Sarah has a specialist clinical interest in Infertility

  • Sarah has a growing clinical interest in Infertility. She provides deep support to people who find themselves ready to consider their next steps after trying naturally or using IVF has not worked. She works alongside the fertility options counselling offered by fertility clinics and helps people to take stock of how they have changed and what they want for themselves. Sarah helps people to process their many losses, however long that may take.

  • Sarah is becoming increasingly interested in the research into stress in childhood and aspects of infertility. She helps women who have experienced childhood trauma and problems conceiving to work through their early experiences, as these often re-surface during the period of trying to conceive. Sarah supports people to make the life-changes they wish to, as a result of their experience of infertility.

  • Sarah has worked for the perinatal charity City Pregnancy Psychotherapy & Counselling in Central London and is a member of the British Infertility Counselling Association


  • Clinical Member of the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP)

  • Professional Member of The Foundation for Psychotherapy and Counselling (FPC)

  • Member of BICA (British Infertility Counselling Association)

    Post-Graduate Training

  • Post Graduate Diploma in Psychodynamic Group Skills, WPF Therapy

  • Post Graduate Diploma in Psychodynamic Theory and Practice, WPF Therapy / University of Roehampton, UK

  • Post Graduate Diploma in Group Work, Institute of Group Analysis, London

  • Post Graduate Diploma in Reflective Practice in Organisations, Institute of Group Analysis, London

  • Foundation Training in Consulting Psychodynamically to Organisations, Tavistock, London

  • Post Graduate Diploma in Organisational Behaviour, Birkbeck