Individual Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

  • Understand your emotions

  • Improve your relationships

  • Improve your well-being

Psychotherapy is a powerful ‘talking cure.’

We create a safe and supportive space for you to explore your experiences, relationships and childhood. Together, we help you express your hidden or unspoken emotional distress, turning it into feelings and words.

We often feel overwhelmed by our emotions, leading us to protect ourselves in various ways.

In a psychodynamic relationship, we work slowly and gently with your traumatic experiences. Your mind needs to feel ready to process your hidden feelings.

We believe that overwhelming feelings that cannot be processed at the time are stored in the body. We explore together how these emotions are communicated in your relationship patterns and behaviours.

Healing Happens Over Time

As you explore your inner world, you begin to integrate more of your experiences into your day-to-day sense of yourself.

When you can tell your own story, you experience more self-assurance and inner peace.

  • Would You Like To Talk About...

    Periods of depression or anxiety

    Feelings of loneliness

    Feelings of anger, fear and sadness

    Feelings about loss

    Feelings of stress, including work-related stress, that keep you stuck

    Feeling paralysed by the complexity of life choices and unsure about the future.

  • Can We Help You With...

    Low self-esteem, low self-confidence, perfectionism, control issues, OCD

    Panic attacks or PTSD - working through traumatic events

    Family issues with children, parents and siblings in the past and now.

    Coming to terms with issues of difference and change - sexuality, neurodiversity, physical health etc.

    Body image issues, for example past or current eating disorders

    Addictions such as workaholism, porn, sex, alcoholism, gaming.

Use The Psychotherapy Relationship to Heal Yourself

You will be offered a dedicated, regular 50-minute weekly therapy session at the same time each week.

You can have this session for as long as you wish, there is no cap on treatment. We also offer a 6-session or 12-session Brief Therapy Programme to focus on one central issue.

Psychotherapy is a powerful intervention. We all need help sometimes:

  • Re-connecting with our sense of identity or self

  • Facing and working through the pain of loss

  • Imagining a different future and taking steps towards a changed way of life

We empower you to make meaningful and enduring changes. We start from where you are and we work with what you need.